
Competent Leaders of Tomorrow Grow with IPMA’s Young Crew

Sina Moradi, former Head of Young Crew Finland

The significance of project management as a profession is increasing all the time due to the growing need for change in the organizations worldwide and complexity of projects. Project management enables individuals and organizations to effectively manage a project throughout its lifecycle and successfully deliver it.

Project management, both theoretically and practically, is defined as the application of knowledge, skills, methods and techniques for successful management of the project, thereby meeting its general purposes (e.g. time, budget, scope, quality) and specific objectives (e.g. delivering a unique service for specific characteristics and functions).

The substantial contribution of project management toward the performance results of companies and organizations, and its high relevance in the industry, have led to the establishment of practice-oriented associations which provide support for continuous improvement and development of project management as a profession.

For instance, International Project Management Association (IPMA®) is a federation of about 70 Member Associations which provides tools for assessing the organizations and improving competences in the individual and organizational level. IPMA’s activities, in the holistic view, can be attributed to three areas of education, training and research. IPMA has a key component for its growth and development of the leaders of tomorrow which is called Young Crew.

International Network for Young Professionals

Young Crew’s mission is to promote project management as a profession among young professionals and students. Photo: Jason Goodman, Unsplash.

The mission is done through providing support for competence development in the level of project, programme and portfolio, giving recognition for accomplishment of young project professionals working in projects, and creating an opportunity for networking and interaction of project management professionals in the national and international level.

Young Crew (YC) Finland, as an official member of the IPMA Young Crew, contributes to the accomplishment of the above-mentioned mission and goals through helping young project professionals to expand their network, learn new things and develop required competencies.

The activities of YC Finland (both in the national and international level) include knowledge and performance-based competitions (Project Management Championship, Young Project Manager of the Year), seminars, workshops and friendly gatherings of young project professionals for recreational purposes.

YC Finland is planning to organize interesting seminars and workshops in 2022 which will be related to competence development, project planning and control, risk management and stakeholder management. By joining YC Finland, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the mentioned benefits and you will be also a member of Association of Project Professionals Finland (PRY) and International Project Management Association.

You can easily contact YC Finland through email: Or you can visit the YC Finland webpage on

Writer Dr. Sina Moradi, Researcher of Construction and Project Management at Tampere University, was the Head of Young Crew Finland in 2021.

Main photo: Pexels by Canva Studio